鉴于目前国内疫情防控形势复杂严峻,各地对出行的管理趋紧,经听取各方意见后审慎考量,主办方最终决定将原定于2022年12月21-24日在南京国际博览中心举办的“第十届中国国际线缆及线材展览会(wire China)”延期至2023年举办, “中国电线电缆行业大会”系列活动及“中国线缆材料大会”、“绕组线行业技术论坛”将同步调整,具体时间及方案另行通知。
wire China展会已陪伴中国线缆走过18个春秋,现已成长为全球线缆行业不可或缺的年度盛会。本届展会档期几经调整,广大参展商、专业观众以及媒体朋友们给予展会一如既往的理解与支持,主办方对此表示最真诚的感谢,并尽最大努力做好后续工作。

Postponement of the 10th All China - International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair (wire China 2022)
Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Media Partners,
In view of the stricter pandemic control measures in Nanjing and other provinces in China, the organizers have decided to postpone wire China 2022, scheduled from 21st to 24th December 2022 at Nanjing International Expo Center, to next year in 2023. The exhibition venue and timing will be announced in due course. This decision was made after prudent consideration with all parties involved. The concurrent events, China Wire & Cable Industry Conference, China Wire & Cable Material Conference and China Winding Wire Conference will be rescheduled accordingly.
As the organizers of wire China, we never give up, and will continue to spare no efforts on showcasing latest technologies, innovations, entrepreneurship and achievements of China's wire and cable industry to our customers. Online activities such as matchmaking and webinars will be held as scheduled.
wire China has grown together with China's wire and cable industry since its debut in 2004. The organizers would like to express their sincere gratitude to all exhibitors, visitors and partners for their dedicated support and understanding of rescheduling wire China 2022. We apologize for any inconvenience this postponement might bring to you. Our team will always be at your service for any questions and queries.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute Co., Ltd
December 1st, 2022